[Passage: Psalm 94.]
"Why does Josh get all the toys and I don't?" "Why does Susan get new clothes but I get all her old ones?" "Why am I ALWAYS asked to do the chores but James can just kick back and watch TV?" How often do we make such statements (or at least feel this way)? Our natural conclusion in times like this is that "My parents love my siblings more than me!"
The psalmist felt the same way too. He looked around him and realized that the wicked were prospering while those committed Christians were suffering. Verses 6-7 show that the psalmist probably felt that the suffering they faced were in actual fact caused by the wicked! To the psalmist, this was unfair! Why do we who serve and love the Lord fervently have to suffer while those who are evil and wicked enjoy the good life? Where is justice?! And he calls on the Lord for justice and vindication. Sounds like our cry of unfairness that our parents treat one sibling better than the other?
But every human parent loves their children. No matter how unfair it may seem, if you end up in a need or in trouble, it is your parents who helps you, provides for you, at times been ridiculed by the rest of society because of your silly mistakes. They can only go through this because of love. The psalmist realized that God's love was like that as well. He knew that even though things may seem unfair, yet he knew that God has and will always love him and will never leave him. In fact, he was so assured that in verses 18-19, he said "If I say, 'My foot is slipping,' your loyal love, O Lord, supports me. When worries threaten to overwhelm me, your soothing touch makes me happy" This was not a request or just merely a statement, it was a declaration of assurance of the Lord's love towards him!
[Response: What situations are you in right now that you feel that is unfair? Or that you prayed and prayed but God has not intervened? Take heart and know that God knows what is best. He has and will always love us. In your prayer, commit everything to the Lord and tell Him that "Lord, even as I commit everything to you, I know that You have the best for me. So teach me Lord, not to focus on these circumstances or even my thoughts and emotions but teach me, O Lord, to just simply love You."]
[Action: Do you see someone going through an unfair situation? Do you know of someone who is wrongly accused? God has always talked about upholding righteousness and justice in the Bible. Just as He vindicates us, let us also be the voice to the voiceless and stand up for what is right.]
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
"IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!" (T.T)
Posted by bryanboo penned at 1:08 AM Labels: Devotional | 0 voices made known
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I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to bible.org, the NET Bible® team, and everyone who made the NET Bible® possible for not only a great job at the translation but also availing it for use that Christians may benefit and grow from this ministry. God bless you all!
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to bible.org, the NET Bible® team, and everyone who made the NET Bible® possible for not only a great job at the translation but also availing it for use that Christians may benefit and grow from this ministry. God bless you all!
Bryan Boo will graduate with a Bachelor in Theology end of 2011 and has ministered to youths, young adults, and served in the worship ministry. He is actively mentoring young people to raise a generation that will not only be on fire for God but will stand up for justice and righteousness. His desire is to see young people rise up and fulfill the call that God has for them as well as for Christians to grow in the knowledge of God as well as remain true and faithful to His Word.
Bryan can be contacted here:

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