Monday, August 22, 2011

You Will Never Walk Alone ...

Read Psalm 42.

As we grow up, there comes a time when we have to leave the family. We go to college, to university, and then move on to living our own lives. Usually, this path leads us to places different from where our families are. Many a times, due to the hectic nature of life, we get so caught up with so many things that sometimes, it is as if we are alone.

A lady was in her office one day. It was not a good day. Woke up late, car had problems, dog laid his atomic bomb in front of the door that she stepped on it on the way out, got reprimanded by her boss, had to skip lunch due to the huge pile of work yet finished and even at the end of the day, even with over-time, the pile did not seem to be decreasing. The lady was stressed and stretched as far out as she could. It was all she could take. Tears rolled down her cheek and she sat there in the dark office, with only her table lamp on, feeling so alone. It was then that her handphone rang. It was her mother. "How are you child? Have you eaten? Don't overwork yourself ya..." said the mother. She could not help but cry.

The psalmist of Psalm 42 was experiencing the exact same thing. It really felt all alone. He longed for a touch from God again. It was as if He could not find God any longer as he reminisced the past experiences with God. He was so desperate that he likened himself to a deer that is so thirsty that it longs for water. That desperation is the same desperation the psalmist had for God. But the beautiful thing about this psalm is in verse 8, wherein the psalmist writes, "By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. (NIV)" Even though the psalmist could not feel God and felt so alone, yet, he was so assured that God did not forsake him. He even tells his soul to not be downcast but to wait on God! It is like the situation depicted above. We sometimes go through life and its sophistication that we often forget about God. Not to mention that the loneliness gets worse when we are at low points of our lives. But like the psalmist knew for a fact — God has always been and will always be there for us. It is like the Liverpool FC tagline "You will never walk alone", God will not let us walk this path of life alone. He will ALWAYS be there. So, if you are feeling down today or frustrated or upset, commit it to God. Though you may feel as if He is not there, but take heart and be assured in the fact that God has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, and His Word is true. Take time to just honestly pour your heart and what you feel to God today.

[There are people around us that on the outside may seem to be perfectly fine, but on the inside, they are actually broken and lonely. Extend a hand to one person you know like that. Be a friend to that person. I know Jesus would1]

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