Thursday, September 22, 2011

In Conclusion...

[Passage]: Read 2 Corinthians 13:14

There was once an old man who sat by the roadside everyday. He was dirty and smelly. Just being near him makes you nauseas. People would not only pass him by, they would avoid him by a mile if they could. A young boy came one day and saw the old man. As he looked at the old man, he felt compassionate. The young boy went and bought a loaf of bread with all the money he had, gave it to the old man, gave his bottle of water, looked at the old man and smiled. "Here, for you!" The sincerity of the young boy touched the old man's heart. He stood up and hugged the boy. Then, he took out a sack of gold and gave it to the boy, saying, "I am the king of this nation. You have proven to me that my people is not all heartless. Thank you for being wonderful."

Pick up a story book or an essay. You see that it is basically made up of three parts, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Imagine what it would be like to read a story and at the very last page, just ends abruptly without telling you what happened to the hero? You would probably label it as a lousy book and burn it! Even movies have conclusions. What then is a conclusion? It is basically a summary or a closure of what the writing is about (or the movie is about)

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he ended his letter as such: "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." He emphasized a powerful message in his conclusion. Firstly, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is truly by grace that we are saved. It is not something we deserve of something that God owe to us but it is in His sovereignty, Jesus chose to come to die for us. The love of God as shown in God the Father sending His own and only Son to take our sins upon Himself and die in our place. And that after Christ ascended to Heaven, even until today, the Holy Spirit has been sent to us - showing that God is always with us, and the Holy Spirit to lead and fellowship with us. This fellowship is not something we deserve as well. Is not something that God owes to us. But is simply by grace. The amazing truth of salvation is that even though we do not deserve it, yet because of God's great love for us that He sent His only Son to take our sins upon Himself and die in our place so that we may have salvation. Yet even after that, He does not just leave us alone as if He had done His part and nothing more, but the Holy Spirit is sent to be with us. How deep the Father's love for us~  Here is a video for you that I found. Listen to it and I hope you will be blessed. (

[Reflect: If Christ who has no sin, who is Creator of all, would look beyond our sins and wrongdoings to look at us with love, who then are we to judge others? Shouldn't we all the more look at them with eyes of love?]

[Response: Take time to reflect on how great God loves us. That we who are undeserving, yet He would still lay His life for us - sinners undeserving. Then, thank Him for His love and grace.]

[Action: Think of someone who has offended you or someone you have a bias against. Forgive that person and let that person know. God did not just profess His love, but showed it through His action - death on the cross. So do something for someone who has offended you. Do it with joy.]

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